Creating Opportunities - A Volunteer's Memoir (Rotary)

Creating Opportunities - A Volunteer's Memoir (Rotary)

Author: Chris Snyder

Creating Opportunities — A Volunteer's Memoir (Rotary)

$10 from each purchase goes to the Rotary Foundation

See bioExcerpt  |  Table of Contents | Chris' Good News Blog |

Talking Rotary Podcast inspirational interview with Chris Snyder:

Chris Snyder believes there is much more good in the world than bad. And, in Creating Opportunities—A Volunteer’s Memoir, he takes us on a tour through the streets of Bombay, rural Malawi and high-powered boardrooms to tell us why. Chock full of interesting people and compelling anecdotes, it is one book everyone involved in charity, whether staff, donor or volunteer, should read.

“Not only is volunteering for every age, but it is also for every stage of life,” Chris says. The book outlines volunteer activities as they coincide with life milestones “be it as a young person just starting out, expanding one's experience from a boring job or keeping active, young and useful in retirement.” And at the end of every chapter, he asks questions to encourage further thought, discussion and action.

Creating Opportunities—A Volunteer’s Memoir is a fascinating trip through time and place, but it also provides advice for those who’ve found meaning—or would like to find meaning—in volunteering.  Chris Snyder’s generous heart and good humour shines through every page of Creating Opportunities—A Volunteer’s Memoir.



 ISBN 978-1-927375-49-5  Civil Sector Press 2018

408 pages soft cover / 8.5 x 5.5 inches / 700 gr (1.5 lb)

Buy the eBook version

    Creating Opportunities — A Volunteer's Memoir (Rotary)

    $10 from each purchase goes to the Rotary Foundation

    See bioExcerpt  |  Table of Contents | Chris' Good News Blog |

    Talking Rotary Podcast inspirational interview with Chris Snyder:

    Chris Snyder believes there is much more good in the world than bad. And, in Creating Opportunities—A Volunteer’s Memoir, he takes us on a tour through the streets of Bombay, rural Malawi and high-powered boardrooms to tell us why. Chock full of interesting people and compelling anecdotes, it is one book everyone involved in charity, whether staff, donor or volunteer, should read.

    “Not only is volunteering for every age, but it is also for every stage of life,” Chris says. The book outlines volunteer activities as they coincide with life milestones “be it as a young person just starting out, expanding one's experience from a boring job or keeping active, young and useful in retirement.” And at the end of every chapter, he asks questions to encourage further thought, discussion and action.

    Creating Opportunities—A Volunteer’s Memoir is a fascinating trip through time and place, but it also provides advice for those who’ve found meaning—or would like to find meaning—in volunteering.  Chris Snyder’s generous heart and good humour shines through every page of Creating Opportunities—A Volunteer’s Memoir.



     ISBN 978-1-927375-49-5  Civil Sector Press 2018

    408 pages soft cover / 8.5 x 5.5 inches / 700 gr (1.5 lb)

    Buy the eBook version

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