The Folio Combined E-Book & Standard Print Package

Cover Design and Page Assembly
As with our E-Book Package.
Basic Copy Editing
As with our E-Book Package.
As with our E-Book Package, plus interior formatting for the print edition, assembly to print-ready, and an EAN barcode for the back cover. A digital proof, and ability to make final changes.
Marketing & Development Counsel and Support
We’ll help you choose a unique and powerful title, set a price, suggest marketing tactics, and advise on how best to develop your target markets and audiences.
As with our E-Book Package, plus print quotations and coordination, printer liaison, delivery of two print copies to the National Library, inventory and distribution liaison and management, and full record-keeping, accounting and tracking of sales and expenses.
Author’s Copies
We’ll provide you with ten copies at no charge.
Your manuscript may be up to 65,000 words, with pro-rata pricing for larger books.
Net Income Sharing
Author/Civil Sector Press 25/75 split. Royalties are paid twice annually.
Our Combined E-Book & Standard Print Package Fee
$7,997.00 plus applicable tax.
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