Viral Foresight

Viral Foresight

Author: Ken Balmer

Viral Foresight: Exploring the COVID-19 Change Imperative

by Ken Balmer, Ph.D.

Also available as a downloadable PDF here for $9.50

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See ExcerptSee bio

From the Intro: This “thought provoker” was written in May 2020 when much of the world was longing to return to “normal”. Simultaneously, there were rumblings that our past behaviours were actually the problem and that COVID-19 was just the visible tip of a large, dysfunctional iceberg. The question should not be “When can we return to normal?” but rather: “Which aspects of normal should be nurtured and which should be discarded as we move together into the future?”

Outlining six key learnings from the pandemic, the report goes on to propose potential solutions and scenarios to help us move forward.


A quick yet insightful read with a call to action that clarifies the trends, issues, and choices to be made within our sector and by the public at large. What kind of a future will we build from the world we left behind?

ISBN 9781927375587 Civil Sector Press 2020

65 pages plasticoil bound report / 9 x 6 in / 200 gr

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Viral Foresight: Exploring the COVID-19 Change Imperative

by Ken Balmer, Ph.D.

Also available as a downloadable PDF here for $9.50

Contact for volume discounts.

See ExcerptSee bio

From the Intro: This “thought provoker” was written in May 2020 when much of the world was longing to return to “normal”. Simultaneously, there were rumblings that our past behaviours were actually the problem and that COVID-19 was just the visible tip of a large, dysfunctional iceberg. The question should not be “When can we return to normal?” but rather: “Which aspects of normal should be nurtured and which should be discarded as we move together into the future?”

Outlining six key learnings from the pandemic, the report goes on to propose potential solutions and scenarios to help us move forward.


A quick yet insightful read with a call to action that clarifies the trends, issues, and choices to be made within our sector and by the public at large. What kind of a future will we build from the world we left behind?

ISBN 9781927375587 Civil Sector Press 2020

65 pages plasticoil bound report / 9 x 6 in / 200 gr

Buy the PDF version

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Barb VanSickle

Ken,the brilliant futurist has provided paths to pursue in picking up the pieces after the pandemic & points to the most sustainable route. Relevant for individuals, organizations & gov't. He challenges us to start taking action. It is a much needed guide.

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