Frequently Asked Questions
What information do you need about my book?
Everything we need to know is listed in our Book Proposal Submission Guidelines. Please download the form, fill it out and send it to us. We will confirm receipt and respond promptly.
Will there be a contract between us?
Yes. Its purpose is to protect everyone’s interest, including yours, on a fair and balanced basis.
How should I submit my work?
Submit your manuscript as a word-processed file such as Microsoft Word, with minimal formatting and no tabs. Number your pages in the header or footer. Once we have a contract in place and you’re ready to begin writing, we’ll send you our Style Sheet with more detail.
What advantages does Civil Sector Press offer me, compared to other publishers and author support organizations?
Outstanding Expertise: Our editors draw on decades of editing and writing experience, and our publishing staff have produced over fifty books, handbooks, memoirs, and novels.
International Marketing: Our books sell around the world through Amazon, Kindle, Kobo, Apple and IngramSpark.
Nonprofit Sector Focus: As the only publisher in Canada focused exclusively on the nonprofit sector, our marketing reach into that sector is unmatched. Flexibility: No matter what your goal, we will tailor a custom support package designed to help you achieve your publication dreams.
Will I lose my copyright?
No. Your copyright will always be solely yours. In contracting with us to have Civil Sector Press publish your book, you have only given us the right to publish your book, and even that is under tightly controlled circumstances. If we don’t fulfill our part of the bargain, you can take your book to another publisher.
How are royalties and/or profit sharing paid?
Twice annually, accompanied by a sales, income, and when appropriate, expenses report.
How do I decide on a price for my book?
We will work closely with you on this, and help you consider all of the relevant factors in making this decision.
How long will it take to publish my book?
From when you submit your final manuscript, depending on the length, level of complexity, quality of the writing, required level of fact and other checking, and illustrative materials, it will take from six to eighteen months to produce print copies for sale. E-Books will take only slightly less time.
Does Civil Sector Press provide editing services?
Yes. Our fees will be on an hourly basis. We’d be pleased to discuss your specific unique requirements and provide you with an estimated range of cost for your project.
What role does Civil Sector Press play in marketing my book?
Each book is unique, and each offers different marketing challenges and opportunities. We begin with our basic book marketing plan and then work with you to develop a custom marketing plan for your book,
If I choose to self-publish, will Civil Sector Press sell my book?
Yes. We’re happy to consider a custom arrangement to help you widen your market.
Does Civil Sector Press provide book storage and fulfillment services?
Yes. That’s part of our Folio Full Professional Publishing Package, and an option on any of our other Packages.
Who owns my book if Civil Sector Press becomes my publisher?
You do. You own the copyright, and Civil Sector Press has a contractual right to publish and sell your book under tightly controlled conditions.
Does Civil Sector Press sell its books outside Canada?
Yes. Our books sell around the world through Amazon, Kindle, Kobo, Apple and IngramSpark.
Will my book be available on Amazon?
Yes, and on Kindle, Kobo, Apple and IngramSpark.
Is Civil Sector Press a Canadian company?
Civil Sector Press is a fully owned division of The Hilborn Group Ltd, a private Ontario corporation wholly owned by Jim Hilborn.
Does Civil Sector Press publish other than books targeted at nonprofit sector managers and executives?
Yes. Tell us about your project, and we’ll do our best to find a way to help you achieve your book publishing dream.
What is the Gail K. Picco imprint?
The Gail K. Picco imprint, launched in 2020 by Gail Picco and The Hilborn Group Ltd, is an imprint of Civil Sector Press. Its mission, led by Gail Picco, is to publish quality titles that seek to advance understanding of the charity sector, the people who work in it and those served by it. Its focus will be on social justice and the timeliness of its content.
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