Tiny Essentials of Raising Money from Foundations and Trusts

Tiny Essentials of Raising Money from Foundations and Trusts

Author: Jo Habib

Trusts and foundations repay study and understanding from fundraisers simply because they have a lot of money and no other purpose than to give it away to charitable causes. In some markets maybe 10 to 15 per cent of voluntary giving comes from foundations. The total is many billions, in whatever currency you measure success.

So foundations and trusts hold the keys to a treasure trove for the well-organized and discerning fundraiser. And by following the simple steps so clearly outlined in this small book you can increase your organization’s share of this treasure, by learning how to approach the right people at the right time in the right way for the right reasons.

It’s also an entertaining, informative and thoroughly enjoyable read so you’ll probably want to keep a copy by your bedside, as well as on your desk.

ISBN 0-9518971-9-5 The White Lion Press
77 pages soft cover

Trusts and foundations repay study and understanding from fundraisers simply because they have a lot of money and no other purpose than to give it away to charitable causes. In some markets maybe 10 to 15 per cent of voluntary giving comes from foundations. The total is many billions, in whatever currency you measure success.

So foundations and trusts hold the keys to a treasure trove for the well-organized and discerning fundraiser. And by following the simple steps so clearly outlined in this small book you can increase your organization’s share of this treasure, by learning how to approach the right people at the right time in the right way for the right reasons.

It’s also an entertaining, informative and thoroughly enjoyable read so you’ll probably want to keep a copy by your bedside, as well as on your desk.

ISBN 0-9518971-9-5 The White Lion Press
77 pages soft cover

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