Civil Sector Press

Civil Sector Press

Print and digital books for nonprofit sector professionals covering fundraising and management topics.
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(me)volution: Change begins with me See Excerpt  ~ Table of Contents  ~  Author Bios  ~  PDF version Jon Duschinsky was recently named #2...
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(me)volution PDF
See Excerpt  ~  Table of Contents  ~  Author Bios ~ Print version (me)volution: Change begins with me Jon Duschinsky was recently named #2 of...
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3D Philanthropy
3D Philanthropy: Make your donors love you by connecting with their minds, hearts and souls See Excerpt  ~  Table of Contents ~ mp3...
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Cap In Hand
Cap in Hand: How Charities Are Failing the People of Canada and the World Table of Contents  ~  Excerpt  ~  About Gail For...
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Collecting Courage: Joy, Pain, Freedom, Love
Collecting Courage: Joy, Pain, Freedom, Love soft cover Purchase the U.S. Edition here Also available in digital formats here Collecting...
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Collecting Courage: Joy, Pain, Freedom, Love digital
Collecting Courage: Joy, Pain, Freedom, Love - Canadian Edition Purchase the U.S. Edition here Also available in soft cover here...
Creative Deviations
Creative Deviations: how you can infuse your storytelling, fundraising and direct response with more creativity Table of Contents ~ Excerpt...
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Dodging Tough Times and Understanding Sustainability eReports
Get both reports in a single file download and save 25% Total 158 pages. Dodging Tough Times: How Stewardship Programs...
Dodging Tough Times eReport
Dodging Tough Times: How Stewardship Programs can make all the difference. See Excerpt ~ Table of Contents The Goldie Company in association with...
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Emotionraising: How to astonish, disturb, seduce and convince the brain to support good causes Table of Contents  ~  Excerpt  ~ Podcast ~...
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Empowerment Dialogue
Empowerment Dialogue: A New Approach to Fundraising See Excerpt, Table of Contents and Author Bio ~  See PDF version Do you want to...
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Empowerment Dialogue ebook
Empowerment Dialogue: A New Approach to Fundraising See Excerpt, Table of Contents and Author Bio  See print version Do you want to...